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Korean National Police University Delegation Signs Partnership with BU’s MET International

22 Jul 2023

Korean National Police University Delegation Signs Partnership with BU’s MET International

On Monday, April 24, Boston University’s Metropolitan College welcomed a delegation from the Korean National Police University (KNPU), headed by KNPU President and Chief Superintendent General Kim Soon-Ho. The visit was a culmination of extensive discussions around academic collaboration between KNPU and BU’s MET International, assisted by Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Lou Chitkushev, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Chair of Applied Social Sciences Shea Cronin, and BU MET Professor of the Practice and Director of Cybercrime & Cybersecurity Dr. Kyung-shick Choi.

“We are excited to develop a partnership with Korean National Police University,” said MET Dean Tanya Zlateva. “The fight against cybercrime activities grows ever more challenging, and this collaboration will provide valuable opportunities for KNPU and MET students to expand their perspectives and to work together on innovative approaches to cybercrime investigation and cybersecurity. Importantly, faculty from both institutions will be able to engage in the exchange of research and scholarship in the field, joining forces with a common goal—to find effective ways of solving cybercrime problems faced by law enforcement.”

MET Dean Tanya Zlateva shakes hands with KNPU President and Chief Superintendent General Kim Soon-Ho

As a MET International partner institution, Korean National Police University will incorporate Metropolitan College’s Graduate Certificate in Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity into their international portfolio. The curriculum will serve as a concentration option for the KNPU master’s degree program. The course of study can be pursued either online or on campus in Boston. The collaboration will also promote research and faculty exchange between BU MET and KNPU through visiting scholar arrangements.

The agreement also provides the opportunity for KNPU undergraduates to study abroad at BU MET for one semester through the MET International undergraduate semester program.

“KNPU is a prestigious school that educates future leaders in policing within South Korea and provides training to police agencies from around the region,” stated Dr. Cronin, who also serves as chair of MET’s Department of Applied Social Sciences. “We look forward to having students from KNPU join our classes on the Charles River Campus and online. They will contribute to the educational experience of all of students greatly.”

KNPU President Soon-Ho agreed: “I am particularly enthusiastic about joining forces with Boston University to advance cybercrime research and enhance cybercrime investigation training,” he said, noting that cybercrime has emerged as an increasingly pressing concern in recent years, as individuals and organizations worldwide become more reliant on digital technologies. “Our collaboration with Boston University will enable us to exchange valuable knowledge and expertise in cybercrime prevention, detection, and investigation. Furthermore, this partnership will provide our students with the unique opportunity to engage in joint research projects and learn from leading experts in the field.”

The Korean delegation arrived in Boston for a formal signing ceremony attended by Dean Zlateva, Senior Associate Dean Chitkushev, Assistant Professor Cronin, and Dr. Choi. Along with President Soon-Ho, KNPU delegates included Professor of Public Administration and Public Security Wook Kang, Director for Planning and Cooperation Division and Senior Superintendent Park Kyongjong, Secretary to KNPU President and Senior Inspector Kim Jong A, and Chief of the International Cooperation Section and Senior Inspector Cho Youngse.

MET Professor of the Practice and Director of Cybercrime & Cybersecurity Dr. Kyung-shick Choi presents to the KNPU delegation

Presentations by Dr. Cronin and Dr. Choi centered on BU MET criminal justice programs and research. Dr. Kang delivered a presentation that focused on the Korean National Police University. Following the ceremony, the delegation enjoyed a dinner hosted by Senior Associate Dean Chitkushev and Dr. Cronin. On Tuesday, Dr. Choi facilitated a meeting between the delegates and local, state, and federal law enforcement officials.

“Our students will greatly benefit from exposure to new perspectives, innovative teaching methodologies, and diverse resources that will contribute to their personal and professional growth, ultimately enhancing their law enforcement careers,” explained Dr. Kang. “Furthermore, this collaboration facilitates the exchange of faculty members between our institutions, enabling professors to share their expertise, learn from their peers, and acquire invaluable international experience. This exchange will, in turn, enrich the academic environment and promote a culture of cross-disciplinary learning for our students.”

President Soon-Ho noted that the partnership has the potential to contribute to the development of more robust and resilient societies globally. “By collaborating, we will devise innovative solutions to tackle the challenges posed by cybercrime, ensuring the safety and security of individuals and organizations around the world,” he said.

The MET International partnership with KNPU highlights the reach and expertise of BU MET’s criminal justice programs and faculty, and is an opportunity for MET faculty to expand internationally their extensive expertise in cybersecurity investigation and digital forensics, according to Senior Associate Dean Chitkushev. It also provides an additional avenue by which to deepen the impact of recent grants awarded to Dr. Chitkushev and Dr. Choi by the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance.

“This partnership offers a unique opportunity for implementation of results obtained as part of the current Department of Justice research grants awarded to us,” said Chitkushev. “It is also an opportunity for MET to provide training to the Korean police forces through a curriculum that shares courses with our master’s program in criminal justice, which has been ranked among the top 4 online criminal justice graduate programs in the US since 2015.”

The Department of Justice grant supports cybercrime training via MET’s Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity programs as well as prevention of internet child exploitation through events such as the upcoming White Hat Conference, an annual gathering hosted by BU’s Metropolitan College’s Criminal Justice Graduate Programs and the Center for Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity in collaboration with Utica College. Focusing on “Targeted Means to Combat Online Child Exploitation and Victimization,” the Fourth Annual White Hat Conference is part of an ongoing effort to bring disruptive change to cybercrime investigation through the exploration of innovative techniques and global measures. The event is held May 31–June 2, 2023. Learn more on the White Hat Conference website.

Center for Cybercrime Investigation
and Cybersecurity

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Center for Cybercrime Investigation and Cybersecurity

Director : Kyung-Shick Choi  |  Main Office : 46 Warren Ave, Milton, MA 02186
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